Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Self Improvement Challenge

Ok, so, remember when I decided to start taking better care of myself? Or something like that....

I decided to start working on my posture. I used to have fantastic posture because I actively worked on it every day back in high school. When I was about 12 or so, my doctor told me I was developing scoliosis. My dad who blatantly ignores the advice of every professional ever, decided not to do any sort of physical therapy or anything like that. No, he gave me a yoga video and expected me to fix my own damn scoliosis. Well, I did that yoga video every day and practiced sitting up straight and standing properly. Over the years, my good posture kind of became my thing. People could recognize me from a distance because no one stood that straight.

Since attending university and hunching over textbooks and laptops my posture has downgraded quite a bit, and I've been noticing more lower back pain than I had before. Yesterday I took a good look at myself in the mirror and realized that I've been holding my stomach area forward and my shoulders were hunched. I had a bit of an S shape going on. It made me look pretty weird.

I tried to correct the flaws in my posture and after having done so, and I was standing up perfectly aligned, most of my bodily complaints about looking disproportionate went out the window. My posture was making me look bad. Well, no more! I am going to add postures to my daily yoga routine (which has downgraded over the years to a few minutes of stretching) that improve my posture. I'm going to work on strengthening my core muscles to help straighten it all up and try to remind myself to keep my shoulders back.

I'll let you know how it goes...

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