Monday, August 29, 2011

Party Intervention

I've noticed something peculiar over the past few years. People in Guelph don't even consider going to a bar until 11pm. But what makes it even more peculiar is that buses stop running at 12:15am, and on Sunday they stop at about 6:30pm. Taxis are incredibly expensive. There's no way people aren't drinking, so how the hell are they getting home?

I was just at an open mic night (on a Sunday!) which was supposed to start at 10pm, but no one showed up until 11pm -- not even the host! As a result, my husband and I sat around drinking Cokes for an hour and then decided to go home because we were sick of waiting. Not cool.

Normally I wouldn't be able to go because a) I don't have a driver's license, b) my husband hates driving downtown and c) even if I can convince him to drive, he often works early in the morning and therefore wouldn't be up to staying up late. I don't live near anyone who I could carpool with and I don't feel comfortable walking in my neighbourhood alone that late at night (see previous posts about where I live).

Anyways, this is not the first time that there's been an event that takes place later than I can realistically stay. Oftentimes there will be an event that starts at 11pm and doesn't really get interesting until 1am, but, feeling a bit like Cinderella, I have to catch the midnight bus home and therefore end up missing all the good stuff.

I'm sick of it. So, I propose that people start their drinking earlier. Pre-drink with dinner and then head to the bar at 9:30-10ish so that by the time the last bus rolls around, everyone's too hammered and tired for anything interesting to happen anymore.

Sure this problem would also be fixed if the buses ran later on prime party nights, but I don't think that's necessarily the best course of action. A lot of people have to work in the morning and there's nothing worse than having to work a full shift on less than 3 hours sleep.

So let's start a night life revolution! Get out there and enjoying yourselves before you're too tired to stand! Get there early so you can dance longer! You'll be making life easier and more accessible to those who rely on public transit to get where they want to go. It's totally win-win.

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