Sunday, August 7, 2011


I just started a new job a couple weeks ago, got booked for a show in two weeks and I'm sick. Fortunately it's not a head cold so there's no sore, runny nose or congestion. Up until two days ago it was just a sore throat and really wasn't bad. Then the coughing came, and it just would not go away. The worst part is that I'm not coughing up anything, it's a dry cough and it's set off whenever I breathe essentially.

I can put up with being sick, but being sick while having to work 8 hour days in the service industry sucks. My solution was to down as much cough syrup as I felt was safe. It certainly helped the coughing, but it made me very disoriented. Luckily I now have two days off, but if I'm not better by the time I go back I'll have a stretch of 5 consecutive work days. I'm taking it easy. Eating healthy, drinking tea and resting up.

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