They're very rarely pleasant smells and only the weed is recurring. Every time I pass by my neighbours, it's like a fun little guessing game, "Name That Smell'.
Fortunately, I've been given the gift of scent and within a short while I can usually pinpoint exactly what something smells like. And it's usually gross. And often announced when everyone is mid-bite. I remember once I went to an Indian restaurant and I wasn't very familiar with anything beyond the usual chicken, potatoes and vegetables. I was with my whole family and I was probably about 12 years old. We were seated and everyone but me was excited to be sampling from a foreign culture.
I tried to be a good sport at first. I sniffed the food, trying to enjoy the aroma. I may have gagged. Then I started tasting the odd thing. And then it hit me. I knew exactly what this tasted like! I was so excited to discover this that I loudly announced it to everyone:
No one else shared my enthusiasm. They just slowly chewed their food and stared somewhat shocked. But they knew I was right. And because I was right, I'd ruined the meal for everyone. I didn't eat much of the food and no one else did either. That may have been the last time we went to eat somewhere exotic as a family.
So now, when I walk down that hallway, I can put this talent that no one but me appreciates to use.
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