This happens every time I get inspired by things I see other people doing. I think to myself, 'I can do that only BETTER!' and in my mind, I concoct incredibly wonderful ideas and imagine how it's going to play out, but it NEVER works out that way. When I first saw friends making websites, I thought 'I'll make the best website EVER!' and I learned html, made gifs and whatnot for the layouts but ultimately, no matter how much I learned, and how much I tried, it always sucked. Or at least, was far worse than what I'd imagined.
Then, I knew friends who blogged. So I started blogging. It always turned out like a very uninteresting journal. It didn't start that way, no, it started with grand ideas and one or two really good posts and then it quickly declined.
Same thing happened with photography and music and basically anything that requires talent. Talent that I'm always so sure I have, but apparently don't. So recently, I started reading Hyperbole and a Half. If you haven't been exposed to her fantasticalness, please go there and laugh till it hurts. This webcomic/blog always makes me laugh and once again, I was overcome with the idea of creating a blog like hers, only mine and with MY hilarious stories. But then I tried to make one drawing, just one, and it sucked something awful. So I made a separate drawing to express how I felt:
That is all.
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