Sunday, June 5, 2011


The past couple days have been all about fixing my guitars. The acoustic's neck was inching away from the body, making the action ridiculously high which in turn made it difficult to play higher up on the fretboard. We fixed it by putting some heavy duty carpenter's glue in the crack and then tightening it to the body with a ratchet strap. After a day of drying and the addition of new strings, it's good as new!

The electric appeared to have troubles with the circuitry, but when we opened it up, nothing seemed amiss. So we screwed everything back into place and it worked again like new! Turns out it just had a few screws loose. I suppose it's not just dogs that mimic their owners, eh?

So now I've got two working guitars, a mic and a keyboard! I still need a mic stand and preferably a second amp, but that'll come. All in good time. I'm kind of hoping now that when friends come over, we can all try to play together. Wouldn't that be fun?

It may sound silly, but restoring those guitars, especially my electric for some reason, makes me feel like I'm alive again. Not that I was feeling particularly dead before, but it's like waking from a sleep that felt very real and you realize 'Now THIS is real!'.

1 comment:

  1. It's too bad there isn't a video game that makes use of all those instruments... ;)
