Back in my glory days a number of years ago, I went on a mad song-writing spree and wrote enough songs to make an album, and they weren't too bad either if I do say so myself. The plan was to save up some money and get myself to a recording studio to make an album that I could then sell at shows (because obviously people would just want me to sing for them once I had an album). Sadly, university happened and my plans to save money to record an album were taken from me...for tuition.
I more or less gave up on my dreams and studied like my life depended on it. Having just graduated, I can now recognize my folly. There was no need to study that hard. A 70 would have sufficed, there was no need to make the Dean's list every semester (except for my irrational needs). I could have spent that time becoming a pop superstar...or a psychologist popstar.
Now that I have copious amounts of time to kill while waiting for employers to call me and tell me I have an interview, I've slowly been bringing music back into my life. Well, maybe not slowly as I joined a band before school ended and recorded a bunch of my songs for the whole world (read: for a couple friends and immediate family) to hear. But I was still nervous about one thing in particular: would I still be capable of writing music after all this time?
The answer: YES! I didn't think I had it in me anymore, but it turns out I do. I wrote a song today...mind you, it's not really totally done, but done enough to say I wrote a song. Like, a few verses and a chorus with music. And what's more, I actually like it. It's simple and captures a feeling that I often have - not wanting to get out of bed when it's rainy outside. Ok, so that sounds lame, but I swear it's good. You'll see. You'll all see.
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