Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Total Eclipse of the....Moon

It's 2:24am and I'm all bundled up and ready to step outside in...wait I just checked the update online and I think I should go outside now.


It is now 2:51am and I'm awfully cold. Mind you, it was pretty warm for a Canadian winter night, but that's still pretty cold.

I recall trying to see eclipses before and either not being able to be awake at the right time, or just having too much cloud cover typically prevented me from ever seeing one in real life. It's pretty cool. Apparently it's not peaking for a little while yet, but damned if I'm getting back out there. I saw it go from being totally bright to being partially and then completely covered and when I left, it was totally covered and reddishly tinged.

I may go back out, but not likely. Instead I think I'll settle for having seen this much and just having the knowledge that it's happening and I saw at least part of it. I'll watch the lunar eclipse in the summer next time.

As for the rest of the day, I plan to sleep for a few hours of it, and then I intend to read up on solstice celebrations and see what if anything I'd like to appropriate. I was already on Wikipedia reading up on solstice holidays and let me tell you, there are a lot of crazy holidays this time of year. Troll hunting, blood-face-splattering, lighting fires in cemeteries. However, they all follow the same theme: the triumph of lightness over darkness, happiness over despair. So, I too would like to follow this theme in whatever I do.

It also happens that it's a full moon, and eclipsed at that. The full moon generally signifies things coming to fruition and a time to celebrate and be happy. It's the time when anything can happen, and immediately following the full moon, one looks introspectively and reflects. It's all very timely, what with Christmas parties followed by setting New Years resolutions. Maybe that's why I like lunar-based religious practices. You basically get the holidays cycled over and over 12 or 13 times a year.

As for the eclipse. I have no idea what the significance of that may be traditionally. I'll look that up, too. But whatever it means, I intend to watch my dreams closely, as apparently tonight's dreams will reflect what's to come in the next year (Mother's Night).

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